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Killing the Coding Interview

Note: This blog post is based on a talk given at RailsConf 2018. Video here. Slides here. I’m available to give an updated version of this talk at your conference, company, or child’s birthday party. Contact me for details.

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You suck at technical interviews

You are bad at giving technical interviews. Yes, you. You're looking for the wrong skills, hiring the wrong people, and actively screwing yourself and your company.

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My Dad's Friendship With Charles Barkley14:24

 My Dad's Friendship With Charles Barkley14:24

When Charles Barkley's mother, Charcey Glenn, passed away in June 2015, Barkley's hometown of Leeds, Alabama, came to the funeral to pay respects. But there was also an unexpected guest. Barkley’s friends couldn’t quite place him.

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Dr. Elon & Mr. Musk: Life Inside Tesla's Production Hell

The young Tesla engineer was excited. Ecstatic, in fact. It was a Saturday in October 2017, and he was working at the Gigafactory, Tesla’s enormous battery manufacturing plant in Nevada. Over the previous year, he had been living out of a suitcase, putting in 13-hour days, seven days a week.

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Bye bye Mongo, Hello Postgres

 Bye bye Mongo, Hello Postgres

At the Guardian, the majority of content – including articles, live blogs, galleries and video content – is produced in our in-house CMS tool, Composer. This, until recently, was backed by a Mongo DB database running on AWS.

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I took a ride through Elon Musk’s new tunnel in California

 I took a ride through Elon Musk’s new tunnel in California

I am in a Tesla Model X, behind a storefront Elon Musk plans to use to sell bricks. The bricks will come from dirt excavated from tunnels like the one I am about to enter. This is O’Leary Station.

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How the Migrant Caravan Built Its Own Democracy

 How the Migrant Caravan Built Its Own Democracy

Trump called the caravan ‘lawless.’ But on the road to Tijuana, the migrants were electing officials, voting on routes and building a public safety council. The caravan migrants who arrived at the border nearly a month ago don’t have a country.

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Can Firefox survive in a Google world?

 Can Firefox survive in a Google world?

The red panda is the longtime mascot of Mozilla, developer of the Firefox browser. Last week, Microsoft announced it was throwing in the towel on its EdgeHTML development effort and switching to the open-source Chromium engine.

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How to master the ways to say NO

 How to master the ways to say NO

On Tuesdays I write about the top voted question on Ask Berkun (see the lovely archive). This week’s question came from Sam K. [via email]: I lead a team in a very political organization. It’s hard to make things stick.

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Inside Elon Musk’s Production Hell and More This Week in Cars

 Inside Elon Musk’s Production Hell and More This Week in Cars

What’s it worth to save the world? That’s the question Elon Musk seems to answer for himself every day, as he builds his “sustainable transportation” company, Tesla. And according to our long read, well, most things are worth it. Rage firings. Calling a new parent away from his baby.

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Migrating SpaceX API to GraphQL ?

 Migrating SpaceX API to GraphQL ?

As another lover of physics, astronomy and rockets, when I found the SpaceX Public API (thanks to Full Stack Apollo tutorial ?), I was really intrigued for looking into the available data.

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