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These New Tricks Can Outsmart Deepfake Videos—for Now

 These New Tricks Can Outsmart Deepfake Videos—for Now

For weeks, computer scientist Siwei Lyu had watched his team’s deepfake videos with a gnawing sense of unease. Created by a machine learning algorithm, these falsified films showed celebrities doing things they'd never done.

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test && commit || revert

 test && commit || revert

As part of Limbo on the Cheap, we invented a new programming workflow. I introduced “test && commit”, where every time the tests run correctly the code is committed.

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Waymo’s paid driverless taxi service could launch next month, says report

 Waymo’s paid driverless taxi service could launch next month, says report

Waymo is reportedly planning to take the next step towards offering a commercial driverless car service in early December, according to an unnamed source who spoke to Bloomberg.

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Quitting Instagram: She’s one of the millions disillusioned with social media. But she also helped create it.

 Quitting Instagram: She’s one of the millions disillusioned with social media. But she also helped create it.

On the evening of Sept. 26, Bailey Richardson logged in to Instagram for the last time. Richardson’s decision isn’t novel: 68 percent of Americans have either quit or taken a break from social media this year, according to the Pew Research Center.

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Tech workers seeking an edge on peers turn to all-meat 'carnivore diet'

 Tech workers seeking an edge on peers turn to all-meat 'carnivore diet'

As a meat-loving child, Ryan Parks cried on the way home from a video rental store when his parents said, as a joke, they were becoming vegetarian. It came as little surprise when Parks, now 31, told his folks he’d begun a “carnivore diet” back in July.

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A preview of UX and UI changes in Visual Studio 2019

 A preview of UX and UI changes in Visual Studio 2019

Over the years, we’ve learned that sharing the evolution of Visual Studio, with you – our users – early and often helps us to deliver the best possible experience for our community.

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The Restaurant That Makes Mistakes opens in Bristol

A bell rings. A shout goes up.

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Estimating with Tee Shirt Sizes

 Estimating with Tee Shirt Sizes

I occasionally encounter the use of t-shirt sizes (Small, Medium, Large, or so on) in use as estimating units by teams. T-shirt sizes are an OK approach to getting started with relative estimating, but they suffer from two severe weaknesses: They aren't additive.

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